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Corel Vector Ideas Portal
Created by Kevin Blight
Created on Oct 18, 2021

Remember File Locations

Every time we open a file, import an image or do an export Gravit uses the last location we used. Typically I will open a file from a project folder, import reference images from my downloads folder, export to another different folder etc.

It would be great if Gravit could remember these as different separate file locations. So each time we go to import images it will just go to the location we last imported from. When we export it will go to the last folder used for export etc.

There is one other important place I would like it to remember the location for, the path used for selecting an image for a texture fill. I have a large library of textures, organised into categories on a different drive. It's a real pain to keep having to navigate back to my design library and remember which category I'm looking for just because I did an export

All this would require would be a few more variables to store the different locations in

  • Attach files