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Corel Vector Ideas Portal
Created by Guest
Created on Feb 12, 2022

Groups and selections in general need A LOT OF IMPROVEMENT

Element 1 and Element 2. Both are exactly the same shapes and Element 1 is on top of Element 2. I select both of the elements by dragging selection tool over their area. Both are selected now. Now I want to do an action on the Element 2 (the elements underneath), so I hold CTRL and click on the Element 1. It diselects. Great. Now I want to bring the bottom element to the front for example. That is the element that I have currently selected. So I right click in that area. Guess what should happen? And no the answer is not the disselecting of the Element 2, selection of Element 1 and opening the bring to top dialog for the Element 1. This is messed up. Basic features did you guys even taken a look at the way the leader in the market - Illustrator works? There is a reason why it is a leader. Because all of these kind of logical problems are not present. Here there are so many that it's crazy difficult to use this for any serious work.

Groups, what the hell is wrong with them why if I group some elements they act as if they are in groups in once scenario and do not in another one? Super frustrating. This is almost unusable for any serious work. It is just depressing such a huge potential and such a basic mistakes that could be ironed out within weeks.

User Experience needs LOOOOTS of improvement. Hire me I am a UX designer I will show you all those problems but honestly I do not understand why they are there to begin with. They are so basic that a normal user can find those problems within seconds. Do you user test your product like at all?

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